Jane Cardwell Educational Services
Opening doors to learning and success

Private Tutoring ● Test Prep ● Homeschooling ● Diagnostic Testing
About Jane Cardwell Tutoring
Jane Cardwell Tutoring, Inc. Houston, Texas est. 1996
Wealth of Education:
- Bachelor of Science in Speech
- Deaf Education Certification from the University of Texas
- Montessori Certification ages 6-9 and 9-12
- Lindamood-Bell training for dyslexia
- Phono-Graphix method training for dyslexia
- Neuhaus Center's Basic Language Skills Program:
- Scientific Spelling, Multisensory Reading and
Spelling, and Alphabet Phonics
With more than 30 years of teaching experience
- Hearing impaired classroom teacher
- Montessori classroom teacher
- President, owner, and tutor at Jane Cardwell Tutoring, Inc

Jane Cardwell
Jane is known for her innovative teaching and creative approach to learning.
Her understanding of how the brain processes information allows her to incorporate an individualized multi-sensory learning strategy into her practice.
If you believe, as I do, that our children are not fungible like potatoes, then you will want to turn to "Miss Jane." A teacher, but so much more. She runs a tutoring company that brings together very talented tutors that are matched to a child's particular needs, at each stage of education. I could write many glowing lines about our Miss Jane, as she took our daughter from non-reader to reader, from a math deficit (no math facts) to trigonometry (far exceeding expectations). We have gone from early education to college prep high school to university with Miss Jane. She has always been there for us, on so many levels. Teaching yes, but with great empathy, responsiveness and insight. A central office, an assuring place for students, a place where success is built. We could not have succeeded without Miss Jane, Sandra (awesome math genius), and the other, many, wonderful tutors. Thank you, Miss Jane. We love you
Andrea Johnson/Parent
My other teachers didn’t teach me the way I needed to be taught. It was the worst feeling in the world. Now, I look forward to coming and learning everyday and going home and being able to do my homework because I understand it. It feels so good now to get to work with teachers one-on-one. It’s been an awesome feeling.
Chase / Homeschooler
I’ve been working with Ms. Jane since I was four and now I just finished my first semester in college. The tutors are really helpful. She finds specialists in the subjects where her students need the most help. They don’t only help students with schoolwork, but they help prep for college and are truly advocates for the students.
Corina / Student
Jane Cardwell Tutoring helped both of our boys prepare for high school entrance exams, prepare for high school while working on the summer reading assignments, and helped both of the boys maintain good grades throughout the school year. Jane Cardwell's office is very comfortable, inviting, with very friendly, experienced tutors. Most of Jane's tutors have been with her for many, many years so your child will be able to establish a good working relationship with the tutors while maintaining consistency, and familiarity of your child's learning style and personality.
Amy Burns / St. Thomas High School - 2017 & 2018
Cardwell tutoring has provided my son hope for the future. We are homeschooled by Jane and her team. They have provided the one on one support teaching the way my son learns not teaching to a test. I have recommended Jane Cardwell Tutoring to every friend who requires additional support for their child.
"We wouldn't be where we are now without you!"
Dana Grifffin / Parent